About Us

The M620 Fund is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation committed to investing wisely and generously in the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Drawing from experiences as a missionary and church leader, our founder developed a more impactful, investment-focused approach guided by four key principles.

1) Localization: Instead of supporting organizations, projects, or missionaries from Western countries, we prioritize investing in vetted, impactful local workers (Partners) from the countries they serve. These workers, fluent in the languages and customs of their communities, are more effective in building sustainable churches and ministries.

2) Accountability: We commit to supporting our Partners for one year, with annual field visits to assess their impact. Afterward, we prayerfully determine whether to continue or redirect our support.

3) Multiplication: We discover new workers through recommendations from our current Partners and during field visits.

4) Focus: Instead of directing more funds to already reached areas, our top priority is investing in Partners who share the Gospel and make disciples among Unreached People Groups.

A Private Foundation

We are structured as a private foundation because donors benefit from significant tax advantages, including:

Estate tax savings: Donations to a private foundation are exempt from state and federal estate taxes, as they are not part of the donor’s estate.

Capital gains savings: Donating highly appreciated assets (such as stocks or real estate) may help donors avoid capital gains taxes.

Income tax savings: Donors can receive an income tax deduction of up to 30% of their adjusted gross income (AGI).

Source: https://www.501c3.org/private-foundation/